27-28 February 2014
 Paris, France

During the MAPCOMPETE workshop “Non-Price Competitiveness” participants from national statistical institutes, academia and research institutions animated a discussion on data issues, related to creating new competitiveness indicators (first session), the interplay between different datasets and the set of relevant competitiveness indicators (second session) and best practices on data collection (panel presentation).


In the first session the speakers showed how they have employed competitiveness indicators in recent studies at the frontier of different fields of applied research. The focal point of the presentations was on how combination of different datasets, along with new methodologies, can be used to introduce novel research areas and design new research directions to assess non-price competitiveness. In the panel session, the emphasis on best practices employed at different levels by International Organizations and National Statistical Institutes has contributed to define a benchmark framework to enhance quality and availability of existing data and suggest new methods and sources of data collections. A particular attention has been devoted to the crucial role of a harmonized definition of statistical concepts for cross-country competitiveness assessment, such as the definition of firms “boundaries” in case of multi-country production network.


 Mapcompete Workshop Paris [PDF]

 Paris workshop participants [PDF]

 Mapcompete Paris Workshop – Summary [DOCX]

 Minutes Paris Workshop [PDF]
