Mapping competitiveness with European data – Blueprint Launch Event

 Friday, 6 March 2015, 12:30-14:30
 Bruegel, Rue de la Charité 33, 1210 Brussels

Since competitiveness is at the heart of policy making at the Union level, the definition and availability of new indicators of competitiveness and assessment of data requirements needed to compute such indicators is an essential task, and it is the topic of the Blueprint “Mapping competitiveness with European data”.

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2nd Project Workshop – Non-price competitiveness

 27-28 February 2014
 Paris, France

During the MAPCOMPETE workshop “Non-Price Competitiveness” participants from national statistical institutes, academia and research institutions animated a discussion on data issues, related to creating new competitiveness indicators (first session), the interplay between different datasets and the set of relevant competitiveness indicators (second session) and best practices on data collection (panel presentation).

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