Centro Studi Luca d’Agliano (LdA)

The Centro Studi Luca d’Agliano is a non-profit research institution aiming at contributing original research in the field of international and development economics. LdA, through a network of Italian and international institutions and researchers, has promoted and carried out research programs covering foreign investments and diffusion of technologies, international trade and trade policies, migration and labor markets. LdA has been involved in several projects on the firms’ internationalization process using firm-level data. It has also a long-term experience of partnership and coordination of EU-funded research projects such as Collaborative projects, Marie Curie RTN, ITN and IEF, TMR and RTD research networks, NoE and TSER Programme funded projects. It has been participating in the joint Bruegel-CEPR project “European Firms and the International Market” and the collaborative project “European Firms in the Global Economy”(EFIGE)

Team leader

Giorgio Barba Navaretti is Scientific Director of LdA and a Full Professor of International Economics at the University of Milan. He holds a PhD in Economics from Oxford University. He is specialized in international and development economics. He has been working extensively on the economics of multinational firms, on the link between trade, foreign direct investments and technology diffusion, on international economic policy and on firms’ dynamics in developing countries.


Alessandro Sembenelli is a Professor of Economics at the University of Turin, Research Fellow at “Collegio Carlo Alberto” and at LdA. He has been working on the links between applied micro- econometrics, industrial organization and corporate finance with a strong focus on the application of panel data techniques to firm-level data. He holds a PhD in Economics from the University of East Anglia.

Giovanni Pica is an Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Salerno and Research Fellow at LdA. He holds a PhD in Economics from the Universitat Pompeu Fabra and a PhD in Mathematics for Economic Decisions from the University of Naples. His research interests are labor economics, finance and labor, international economics and macroeconomics.

Davide Castellani is an Associate Professor in Applied Economics at the University of Perugia and Research Fellow at LdA. He carried out extensive econometric analysis on the relationships between innovation and internationalisation, including the effect of European firms’ FDI on performance in the home countries and on location choices of multinational firms in Europe. He has a deep experience in working with both firm-level and industry level data and in managing the harmonization of large dataset across countries and regions. He has been leading the LdA team of the Collaborative project INGINEUS.

Rosario Crinò is an Assistant Professor at the University of Brescia, Visiting Researcher at the Institut d’Anàlisi Econòmica (Barcelona, Spain) and Research Fellow at LdA. He holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Milan. His research interests are international trade, labor economics, development economics, applied microeconometrics. He has a wide knowledge and skills in working with firm-level data.

Giulia Felice is a Research Fellow at LdA; she holds a PhD in Economics from the University of Pavia Her research interest include the economics of growth and structural change and international economics. Her work is particularly focused on the micro foundations of sectoral changes and their impact on the aggregate income and productivity growth, and on the relationships between innovation and internationalization at the firm level. She has been involved in several projects on firm-level data at LdA (e.g. FIRB, EFIM, EFIGE).