This page will host two webtools:


The MAPCOMPETE Indicators Availability Map

The MAPCOMPETE Indicators Availability Map will be an inbuilt component of the MAPCOMPETE website. Through this webtool, the visitor will search and find information on the most useful indicators of competitiveness for Europe, selected by the MAPCOMPETE team. The information includes:

  1. Description;
  2. Rationale and problems for each indicator;
  3. Different aggregation levels, i.e. country, sector and region;
  4. Country-specific availability of the necessary data, and
  5. For more advanced users, the variables to be used in the construction of the indicator.


The webtool will consist of two components to access information: a map of Europe, that will allow exploring the content country by country, and a search tool that will allow for a refined research (by competitiveness concept, aggregation level etc.). Through the map and the search tool, the user will have the possibility to sail along the MAPCOMPETE database of competitiveness indicators and to easily retrieve all the relevant information, including the original source of the data.
The MAPCOMPETEWebtool will boost the dissemination activity of the results of the MAPCOMPETE project. Thanks to its captivating and user-friendly graphic interface, it will be easily usable by the general public as well as by researchers and journalists.


The New MAPCOMPETE Indicators Tool

The New Competitiveness Indicators Tool will offer free access to EU-comparable data on indicators at the frontier of the Competitiveness research. The innovative cutting-edge indicators will probably come from different research strands, mainly from recent firm-level productivity analysis done at the ECB Competitiveness Research Network (CompNet), within the Micro-Dyn project and by SciencesPo.

The webtool will be a user-friendly gateway to ready-made indicators that will serve to disseminate key research results to the wider public. The user will be able to visualize, share and download tables of data as well as maps of Europe where each country will be colored according to the selected competitiveness indicator’s strength.