29 May 2015
 Microsoft Centre, Rue Montoyer 51, Brussels, Belgium

We are pleased to announce that the MapCompete Final Conference will take place on 29 May 2015 in Brussels.

Mapcompete, a support action for the European Commission carried out by a consortium of European research institutes (see mapcompete.eu), has been designed to provide a thorough assessment of data opportunities and requirements for the vomparative analysis of competitiveness in European countries, both at the macro and the micro level.

The aim of the Final Conference is to present all the research work conducted in the project, with a duration of two and half years, which can be a key handbook for a researcher interested in measuring competiveness, or for policymakers interested in the feasibility and in the quality of alternative competitiveness measures.

More information can be found on the website (mapcompete.eu) which offers in-depth project results, all project publications, as well as information on the research partners.

 Mapcompete – Final conference plan

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at: