Sciences Po

The Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques (Sciences Po) is a fully-fledged, self-governing research university specialized in the social-economic sciences and the humanities which enrolls some 10,000 students per year, including 40% of foreign students from more than 130 countries. Sciences Po is the leading research university in the social sciences in France with 60 full-time professors, around 200 researchers, 80 foreign professors invited each year and 300 academic partnerships with universities around the world. Sciences Po facilitates laboratories’ participation in the European Research Area. Today, 17 of the research teams of Sciences Po have been involved in FP6, and 24 in FP7.The department of economics has 16 full time professors. Five full professors and seven assistant or associate professors have been hired in the four past years. Three professors of the department have received European Research Council grants. A labex “Laboratoire d’excellence” for the evaluation of public policies has been selected by ANR. A report (2010) commissioned by the Ministry for higher Education and Research ranked Sciences Po 1st in France for research per professor.

Team leader

Philippe Martin  is Professor of economics at Sciences Po, where he is Chairman of the department of economics. He is a CEPR Research Fellow. He has been previously Professor at the Paris School of Economics, Economist, Federal Reserve Bank of New York and Assistant Professor, Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva. He was awarded best French young economist in 2002.His works have been extensively published in top rated academic journals in the fields of international macroeconomics and trade, economic geography and military conflicts.


Thierry Mayer is currently professor of economics at Sciences Po. He also is a scientific advisor in CEPII, and a research fellow in the International Trade / Regional Economics programme at CEPR. His research is primarily focused on economic geography, trade theory and empirics as well as on foreign direct investment determinants. His recent publications include research on the impact of globalization on armed conflicts, as well as papers looking at the diffusion of cultural patterns across space. He also published theoretical and empirical analysis of locations choices by multinational firms, studying in particular the extent and determinants of agglomeration patterns. His most frequently cited research includes empirical studies on the level and causes of market fragmentation in the European Union. His research was rewarded by a number of distinctions in France, including the bronze medal of the CNRS.