Leading team: Paris School of Economics


The aim of this work package is to develop and define the concepts of competitiveness underlying work in this project, particularly for what concerns the link between micro and macro competitiveness measures.

The work package will analyze how different competitiveness factors that may be macroeconomic (exchange rates, aggregate productivity, labor costs, trade policies, public policies) and microeconomic (firm-level productivity and product quality) interact to shape and define the competitiveness of firms, sectors and countries and how this can be best captured by novel competitiveness indicators.

To this extent it will capitalize on the work undertaken in WP3 on competitiveness indicators, as well as the data gaps detected in WP4, to define the geographical area to be covered, and the levels of aggregation to be considered and their data content.

The final objective is to contribute to designing better competitiveness indicators in order to establish a bridge between its micro and micro dimensions and hence, to develop new/refined indicators of competitiveness at different levels of aggregation. The emphasis will be on investigating how novel data or combination of dataset can be used to introduce novel indicators.