Leading team: The Centre for Economic and Regional Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (CERS-HAS)
Building on results attained in the previous work packages (2 to 5), this work package will identify a set of proposals to improve upon existing datasets and set up an integrated approach using micro, sectoral, regional and macro level data as well as new types of data (e.g. on global value chains). Best practices from EU member states as well as other countries will be studied. Proposals will be elaborated from a policy point of view, as changes in quality, variable definition and accessibility should serve as foundation for a better background for Europe-wide policies.
The main objective will be to propose changes that would ensure compatibility across the EU. Data areas under analysis will include balance sheet, trade, R&D and innovation, and financial statistics. In addition to a critical review, this work package will also outline a European-Union-wide data collection effort. Importantly, the WP will analyze two options, a new survey to add to existing datasets and a harmonized data collection to replace or complement national efforts.